Common Questions About Hypnosis Audio

Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnosis

What is the definition of hypnosis?

According to Webster’s Dictionary, hypnosis has two definitions –  1) a trancelike state that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject and 2) any of various conditions that resemble sleep.

How does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis puts individuals into a state of hyper focus. It allows the subconscious to be receptive to suggestive thought. 

Is hypnosis safe?

Yes, hypnosis is safe. because while in a state of trance you will not be able to do things that are against your will..

How does hypnosis work on the brain?

Hypnosis alters your your brain so you can reach different states of consciousness​ – when in a state of trance, hypnosis becomes more effective.

Will I lose control of my mind while I’m under hypnosis?

We can assure you that listening to our hypnosis audios is completely safe and you will be always be in control of your of your mind. What can happen is that you’ll fall asleep and wake up after your rested.

Has hypnosis been scientifically proven?

Yes, many studies have reported that hypnosis impacts various brain regions. There have also been research done by Stanford University’s Dr. David Spiegel explaining how hypnosis works.

How can I make hypnosis work for me?

When you are listening to hypnosis audios, make sure what you are in a safe, comfortable space.

Additionally, repetition is the best way to attract your desires through our audios. Our members tend to listen to the audios at least 3 or more times per week. However, even if you’re unable to make that much of a commitment in the beginning most people begin to see results by listening on a semi-regular basis. You can always listen as much as you can then increase the amount of days in the week that you listen if you feel it’s necessary.

Does hypnosis work if you fall asleep?

Yes, often times a person is has hit the deep state of delta brain waves, but is not fully asleep while listening to the audio programs. This will allow for the subject matter to go deeper into the subconscious mind. The more you allow yourself to travel into your subconscious mind while listening the more effective it will be.

Do I need special headphones or speakers for listening to hypnosis?

You’re welcome to listen to hypnosis audios through any device. However, we do recommend using earbuds, headphones or other types of devices that keep the sound close to you while listening. Robert personally recommends this head mask with speakers on Amazon, he uses them every night! 

What's the difference between hypnosis and hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is administered in the presence of a hypnotherapist. When working with them they usually go through a process of getting to know you and what you’d like to achieve then they facilitate a series of hypnosis sessions with you.

Hypnosis is a state of trance that you are led into. At Miracle Hypnosis Online, hypnosis is done through an audio track with a hypnotist guiding you throughout with frequency music in the background.

You can spend hundreds even thousands going to a hypnotherpist. However, hypnosis audios are more effective because you listen in the comfort of your own home, in your bed or where ever you feel safe and secure. 

How long will it take for hypnosis to work?

The amount of time that it will take varies for everyone. Listening to the audios on a regular basis will increase the change of it working swiftly than others. As stated in our blog article, hypnosis is similar to learning, repetition is important for hypnosis to work.

What does hypnosis feel like?

Hypnosis feels relaxing. Some have reported that it feels like being in a bath without being wet others a state of bliss and calm. However you usually feel when you are relaxed is probably how you’ll feel once you’ve allowed yourself to go into a state of trance.

Does hypnosis work on everyone?

Everyone experiences hypnosis everyday. Whether it’s daydreaming or watching television or falling asleep at night. However, not everyone is open to having someone help them achieve these states. The biggest reason for that is fear and misunderstanding.

If you have the ability to focus and concentrate, it will be easier for you to become hypnotized. If you do not, it will still work and may take longer with more repetition than others.

Why does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis works because it focuses training on our subconscious mind. Read our blog article, Why Does Hypnosis Work for detailed information.

When I sign up, will I have access to all of the audios?

Yes, when you sign up for a monthly or yearly membership you automatically have access to all of the audios and video on the Miracle Hypnosis Online platform.

How does the Miracle Hypnosis Membership Platform work?

If you have questions about using our platform, please visit our Miracle Hypnosis Help & Support section.

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