Why Does Hypnosis Work?

Why Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis can help us reprogram our subconscious minds and free us from the fears and limiting beliefs holding us back. When we’re free, we can unleash our potential and attain our dreams: prosperity, love, happiness, success.

Most of our lives – 95% or more – is run by our subconscious minds. Our subconscious was programmed when we were infants and young children, without our even knowing it. This early programming limits our ability to grow and go after what we desire.

man thinking why does hypnosis work conscious vs subconscious miracle hypnosis audios onlineUnfortunately, we can’t use our conscious minds to change how our unconscious minds are programmed. We can’t just decide to learn something new and hope that our subconscious can easily learn it. It doesn’t work that way. But there are other ways we can learn new things and retrain our subconscious minds.

The subconscious mind learns through habit and repetition. Research in neuroscience and psychology tells us that learning and development of new habits is possible through “spaced repetition.” Our brains will prioritize the learning of new ideas that it comes across through routine repetition. This is spaced repetition and it means returning to the same ideas repeatedly, over regular intervals.

We can be free of the habits and limited thinking holding us back! This is where hypnosis comes in. Rachel Heslin, author of Navigating Life: 8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way,” explains that a hypnotic state happens to all of us from time to time, like when we’re driving or in the shower. It’s a process that happens naturally and is part of our brain’s regular maintenance.

Hypnosis mimics the low vibrational frequency of our early childhood. Practicing hypnosis with spaced repetition will help you establish new winning habits to gain a greater sense of personal empowerment.

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