Miracle Lifestyle Blogs

How To Find Love: Finding Your Soulmate Starts With You

Are you tired of swiping through dating apps or going on dates with the wrong people? It’s time to take a step back and focus on attracting the love you deserve. 

Here are 4 tips to increase your chances of finding true love:

  1. Pay attention to what you say to yourself

    Stop looking outward and start looking inward. Look at how you communicate with yourself in different areas of your life.

    Do you ever say any of these things to yourself?

    “That’s not going to work.” (before you’ve even tried?)
    “Dating is so hard, I’m never going to find the right person for me.” (can’t attract if you don’t believe!)
    “I should do that, maybe tomorrow.” (then weeks or months pass by)
    “This is so frustrating!” (without reassuring yourself that things will work out for you.)These are all examples of self-sabotage and feelings of not being good enough. When these types of statements come up, talk yourself through it. Acknowledge the feelings and thoughts that are coming up for you and remind yourself that you are worth more and are willing to do more for yourself!

  2. Get clear on what you want

    What do YOU actually desire? It’s important to know what you’re looking for in a partner. Write down the qualities and characteristics you want in a relationship, and be clear and specific about what you need in a partner.Once you’ve written all of that down, fold it up and place it somewhere that you don’t look at often such as a drawer or under a candle. Your subconscious mind will remember what you wrote and help you attract that person while you are not thinking about it.

  3. Gravitate toward new experiences

    Be open to new experiences: Get out of your normal routine! When you shift your routin, you’ll meet new people and increase your chances of meeting people. At some point, you’ll meet the person for you. You might meet them or through your new friends! Not sure of where to go?Attend events through websites like meetup.com or Facebook, have an open mind and see how it goes!

  4. Trust the process

    Attracting anything into your life takes time, patience, and trust. Enjoy the process of self-discovery, and know that the universe is working even when you can’t see it.

If you are looking for another way to overcome the anxiety of not having that special person in your life, try our 7-day trial of Miracle Hypnosis Online.

Here are our most popular programs that help our members attract the partnership they you deserve.

Finding Your Soulmate Starts With You

Are you tired of swiping through dating apps or going on dates with the wrong people? It’s time to take a step back and focus on attracting the love you deserve. Here’s how!

Here are 4 tips to increase your chances of finding true love:

  1. Pay attention to what you say to yourself:

    Stop looking outward and start looking inward.

    Look at how you communicate with yourself in different areas of your life. Do you ever say any of these things to yourself?“That’s not going to work.” (before you’ve even tried?)
    “Dating is so hard, I’m never going to find the right person for me.”
    “I should do that, maybe tomorrow.” (then weeks pass by)
    “This is so frustrating!” (without reassuring yourself that things will work out for you.)

    These are all examples of self-sabotage and feelings of not being good enough. When these types of statements come up, talk yourself through it. Acknowledge the feelings and thoughts that are coming up for you and remind yourself that you are worth more and are willing to do more for yourself! It’s impossible to attract someone who truly loves and values you if you don’t love and value yourself first. Once you shift your mindset, you’ll start to receive different results.

  2. Get clear on what you want:

    What do YOU actually desire? It’s important to know what you’re looking for in a partner. Write down the qualities and characteristics you want in a relationship, and be clear and specific about what you need in a partner.

    Once you’ve written all of that down, fold it up and place it somewhere that you don’t look at often such as a drawer or under a candle. Your subconscious mind will remember what you wrote and help you attract that person while you are not thinking about it.

  3. Gravitate toward new experiences:

    Take baby steps towards the unfamiliar. Every time you shift your old routine, you open your world up to new opportunities. You’ll get to meet new people then increase your chances of meeting people who share your interests and values. At some point you’ll meet the person for you or your new friends will introduce you to someone that fits the attributes on your list. Not sure of where to go? Join interest groups on websites like meetup.com, have an open mind and see how it goes!

  4. Trust the process:

    Attracting anything into your life takes time, patience, and trust. Focus on the journey, enjoy the process of self-discovery, and know that the universe is working even when you can’t see it.

    It’s common not to see external evidence that your soulmate is coming. The most important factor is that you talk yourself out of being discouraged! Finding your soulmate is an inside job. How you feel inside reflects like a mirror on the outside.

If you are looking for another way to relieve anxiety of not having that special person in your life, try our 7-day trial of Miracle Hypnosis Online. We have programs that will overwrite your limiting beliefs around love and you’ll finally have the partnership that you deserve.

Becoming Your Best Self

“You were not born on Earth to please anyone; you have to live life to express yourself, not to impress someone. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not, and never lose yourself in search of other people’s acceptance and approval.”― Roy T. Bennett

We hear the term “be your best self” thrown around on the internet, but no one really explains what it means or how to get there. If perfection is an illusion, how can anyone be their “best” self? Let’s dive into it!


We all have dreams, goals, and desires. When we think of the future, we see ourselves living the life that we dream of becoming and being the person who we have always wanted to be. Throughout the day, we have brief visions or daydreams about things we would like to experience, that can be in our health, in our romantic life, financial life, and career life. The first step to being your best self is identifying who you truly want to be, what you want out of life, and why.

Set Goals

Take note of where you are now and where you want to be so that you can set tangible goals. Writing a list of things that are currently in your control that you can do is a great head start. From there, you can set monthly and yearly goals that allow you to take a step-by-step approach to get to where you want. Deadlines help people to stay on track and feel the need to fulfill a task before the time is up. Along this path, find motivators that lift your spirits up. Look up inspirational stories online, speak to people in your life who have achieved similar goals, and discuss your dreams with supportive friends and family members to help you build your belief in yourself.


Highlight your strengths and weaknesses to pinpoint the areas of your life that need improvement, and the skills and knowledge required for the development. This will all lead you closer to your goals. Your strengths show you how close you already are, and your weaknesses are opportunities for areas of improvement. Furthermore, your mindset is key. Your confidence in your abilities has a direct impact on your performance and actions. This is why it is crucial to understand your idol’s mindset, to practice embodying that using positive affirmations and creative visualizations.

How are you being your best self today?

Holiday Blues: How to Deal with it?

The world has changed immensely since 2020. Some of us left jobs, started new jobs, separated from loved ones, and our financial situations changed completely. If you are going through a tough time this year because you cannot spend the holidays with your loved ones, then this blog is for you.

Your feelings

Understand that your feelings matter and it is very normal to experience this level of sadness during and/or before the holidays. It’s important to take note of how you are feeling in the moment and to make it okay that you feel this way. The fact that you feel this way just means that you hold so much love for the people in your life that you want to spend this holiday with them. So understand that your feelings aren’t necessarily wrong or negative. It just needs to be managed to keep you grounded and stabilised.

The right support

The second, and most important thing to do is to seek the right support. Take note of the support system you have available and choose around 3 to help you through this difficult time. A support system could be your friends, family members, a coach, a therapist, and a helpline. Choose a support system that is non-judgemental, open to listening, and compassionate. If you can, spend time with them. Simultaneously, make sure you are being non-judgemental and gentle with yourself during this difficult time. Remember that nothing lasts forever, and this painful moment is valid, but also temporary.


Another important thing to do is to sit with your feelings and emotions. Allow these to come up to the surface, and feel them all. They are here to show you what you truly believe and what you haven’t been looking at. So this is a golden moment to reconnect with yourself, practice self-compassion, and release limiting beliefs. Sit with the pain, listen to what it has to say and then release it in meditation. It is very important to have your own grounding practice in these moments. Grounding practices include meditation (guided or non-guided), emotional freedom tapping (EFT), mindfulness practices, and breathwork. Choose the one that helps you release some of the hurt, and include this daily to your routine.

In the meantime, form new traditions. Be open to forming new traditions, and not just sticking to old ones. Create a new tradition for yourself for the holidays. It can be something as simple as making cinnamon rolls and writing down things you are grateful for this year, lessons you learned, and things you love about yourself. If you want to, combine some of the old traditions with the new ones so that you can still do what feels familiar to you. Just remember that the holiday season doesn’t have to be limited to a specific celebration. You can form your own.

What new traditions are you forming this year?

Dealing with Unsupportive People

Nothing is harder than being in an environment of unsupportive people, especially when it comes to family and friends. Having the wrong support system is as hurtful as having no support system. While difficult situations like these seem out of our control, you do have a level of control in regard to how you deal with these people. This applies to mental health support, relationship support, careers, and more.

Toxic people

There is a fine line between toxic people and unsupportive people. Toxic people continue to find ways to diminish your abilities, undermine you, talk you down, disrespect you, or attempt to emotionally manipulate you. Being around a toxic person is a draining experience that puts you under a lot of pressure and makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells. Hurt people hurt people. Beware of who you receive the advice from by determining their intentions and the type of relationship you have with this person.

Unsupportive friends and family

Unsupportive friends and family members usually have good intentions. Their advice comes from their own personal experiences and beliefs. Instead of getting defensive, make sure you ask the right questions to understand their intentions. Asking questions like “Is this something you experienced before?” “Are you saying this based on a past experience?” This will give you a clearer image of whether this person is projecting their own insecurities and doubts, or if they’re just genuinely worried about you. You can educate this person and show them a different perspective on the situation, but it is important to know that it is NOT your responsibility to make sure that everyone accepts you and supports you.

Listen to your heart

Take these moments as golden opportunities to ask yourself if your heart really desires this thing, or if you are chasing after a particular feeling you’re hoping the experience will give you. Make room and space for yourself to simply sit down, and listen to what your heart has to say. Your deepest desires are God-given. Go after what you truly want, and the people who love you will accept you for who you are no matter what or they will work their way to get onboard. Be unapologetically you.

“Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.”

Set boundaries

Boundaries are crucial. It starts with setting boundaries within yourself. It is time to take note of the kind of treatment that you won’t accept and to start sharing your goals solely with those who support you. People-pleasing will keep you in the same cycle for the rest of your life. If this doesn’t sound like a pleasant experience, you have the power to change it now. End the conversations that are seemingly unsupportive, and start walking away from people who don’t serve you right. You have the right to protect your mental space, and to embrace who you truly are. Boldly show the world who you truly are and go after your dreams.

Stop Chasing, Start Attracting

There is a current social media trend of using this powerful affirmation “I don’t chase, I attract. What belongs to me, will simply find me.” The power of this trend is to encourage people to step into their own power and give them a boost of confidence. It comes from a place of pure confidence, and belief that things maneuver their way to us.


Confidence and chasing are two completely opposite energies. Chasing comes from a place of fear. Fear of losing someone or something, trying so hard, struggling, and feelings of insecurities coming to the surface. We act on our feelings which are a result of our thoughts (affirmations). Therefore, all the inner dialogue that we currently have is based on our inner state. Chasing is a low vibrational energy that indicates suffering and heightened anxiety. At some point, these thoughts and feelings become habitual that it feels hard to break. Dr. Joe Dispenza explained that repetitive patterns of thinking which generate feelings lead to the body and the mind becoming one.

“Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts; for the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. Soak it then in such trains of thoughts as, for example: Where life is possible at all, a right life is possible.”
— Marcus Aurelius


Start asking yourself “what am I currently chasing and why?” and take note of the things, people, and places that you’re chasing. From there you create awareness on where your anxiety lies, and where it comes from. Chasing is repelling. Confidence is attractive. Take the chasing energy and switch it to confidence energy. Decide to stop chasing.

  1. Work on releasing the anxiety, and practice soothing yourself, this will remove the urge to chase, and you will be much happier.
  2. Build your confidence in yourself, and start believing in your capability to have anything in this life.
  3. Start believing that the Universe/God will deliver what belongs to you.

Live every day with that knowing, that things find you. That there is nothing to chase. You can relax and trust in that. Allow yourselves to take inspired actions solely, rather than try so hard to make things happen.

Are You Guilty of Spiritual Bypassing?

Spiritual Bypassing describes the act of denying and suppressing negative emotions. In 1984, this term was created by John Welwood to express his experiences in a Buddhist community.

He defined it as “tendency to use spiritual ideas and practices to sidestep or avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.”

The reason spiritual bypassing is being promoted in spiritual communities is due to the fear of sitting with heavy feelings that can cause a great level of discomfort. The intention behind spiritual bypassing is to push aside the emotions that way us down and to practice feeling good all day instead. Most people who join spiritual communities and begin their journey come from a lot of unresolved trauma, anger and pain. Therefore, spirituality is often viewed solely as a healing modality to experience inner peace. In many spiritual teachings, spiritual bypassing can be very subtle. The intention behind it is great, however being guilty of spiritual bypassing can result to emotional outburst, poor self-awareness and difficulties of self-acceptance.

Here are different ways we all participate in spiritual bypassing  (also known as ‘toxic positivity’ in societial terms):

  1. Viewing anger, pain and sadness as destructive emotions
  2. Labels that belittle negative emotions, such as “Negative Nancy” or “Debbie Downer”
  3. High vibration teachings that look down on low vibrational feelings. The truth is that our feelings ebb and flow, and we all have a wave of emotions each day. It’s about not making low vibration your dwelling place.
  4. Condemning mental illnesses and fears
  5. Common terms used to glorify spiritual bypassing such as:
    • “Good vibes only!”
    • “Everything happens for a reason”
    • “Just be positive”

What To Do Instead:

  1. Accept all parts of you – the good, the bad & the ugly. At the end of the day, we can’t know how happiness feels if we don’t know how sadness feels. You are NOT your thoughts or your feelings. They are simply one aspect of who you are.
  2. Avoid labelling emotions – Describing emotions as positive and negative is what causes us to turn away from certain ones, like worry.
  3. Develop Healthier Coping Mechanisms – Pushing our feelings away is a form of self-defense mechanism as we’re too scared to look fear in the eye. Look fear in the eye and develop a practice that helps you deal with the emotion, sit with it and allow it to pass out of your body.
  4. Practice self-compassion – The more you have self-compassion, the more compassionate you become with others. The less judgements you hold about yourself and your feelings, the less you do with others.

As spiritual beings, we are having a human experience. Part of the human experience is shedding all these layers we have. We are complex, multifaceted beings, and the only way to practice self-awareness is to take a good look at every aspect of ourselves and be okay with. The only way to heal & shift is through awareness.

Have you been guilty of spiritual bypassing?